In the early forties, the US military expressed their desire to get new armored vehicles with powerful weapons. Soon it was formed requirements for prospective engineering and design work started. The program includes the creation of armored vehicles took part in several companies, including the company's Ford Motor Company and Chevrolet. For several reasons, both projects received a similar designation - T17 and T17E1. However, the fate of the project turned out to be different. Developed by Chevrolet, in contrast to the armored car T17, waiting for a big success.
Ford T17
Military requirements have been identified in mid-1941. US military needed to create an armored car with all-wheel drive chassis, and relatively powerful weapons and booking. Prospective car had to carry 37 mm cannon and a few guns. Hulls had to withstand bullets and splinters hit and, if possible, and small-caliber artillery shells. The requirements for prospective armored cars were such that the characteristics of firepower and protection could compete with light and medium tanks, even some of the time. All of this, in particular, led to a significant weight of the finished combat armored car.
T17 armored car prototype was introduced in the early spring of 1942. The car is already too large and heavy, which was associated with the demands made on it. Armored length of about 5.5 meters, a width of 2.7 m and a height of 2.35 m weighed a little less than 13 tonnes. Such large combat weight armored car was conditioned by the design of its body. The fact that the housing T17 armored car had enough thick armor for the American technology of the time. Cast frontal part of the body has a thickness of from 31.75 to 50.8 mm (2 inches), the side - from 17.8 to 22.2 mm feed - 17.8 mm. Cast tower had a thickness of 50.8 mm in the forehead, as well as the sides and stern of 12.7 mm. It is easy to notice that the level of protection of armored T17, at least not inferior to some tanks early forties.
T17 was not only a "tank" armor. The layout of the internal volume of the case was carried out in accordance with the classical ideas of tank. In front of the building has the separation of management at the workplace of the driver and his assistant, had acted as a machine gunner and navigator. Behind him, in the middle of the body, was fighting compartment with a double tower. Feed was given to the housing of the engine and transmission units. In addition, under the floor of the fighting compartment and the control compartment positioned drive shafts and other transmission elements provided by the drive all six wheels.
The prototype was equipped with a T17 armored car petrol engine with liquid cooling by Ford 90 hp Through the mechanical transmission torque transmitted to the six wheels. Wheel chassis armored car equipped with independent suspension with leaf springs. The wheels have pneumatic tires in size 12h20 inches.
The tower housed the seat of the armored car commander and gunner. Gunner ran coupled with the installation of a 37-mm gun the M6 and 7.62-mm machine gun Browning M1919. Another machine gun of the same type have had a driver's assistant. The fighting compartment was able to accommodate more than a hundred shells for guns. For guided weapons and monitor the situation commander and gunner can use telescopic periscope and optical instruments. The driver and his assistant also has a periscope observation. For boarding and leaving the car in the left side and the tower were provided hatches.
By the end of the spring of 1942 the prototype T17 armored car passed the first test on the Aberdeen Proving Ground. Despite the large combat weight, a new armored car showed very high performance. On the highway, it could accelerate to 88-90 km / h in the range greater than 720 kilometers. Firepower 37-mm cannon and two machine guns, as well as thick armor in theory allows the new armored car deal effectively not only with cars in its class, but also with some of the tanks at the time.
It should be noted that the testing of the first prototype armored car almost no impact on the opinions of potential customers. Even in the late stages of designing the US military began to doubt the necessity of such equipment. T17 armored car company Ford did not meet certain requirements of the army, because of which it purchases is considered unlikely. However, in January 42 th a great interest in the project showed the British military. After reviewing the documentation on prospective armored car they wished to purchase more than 2,200 units of new equipment.
Ford T17 armored car has been adopted by the British Army called Deerhoun («Deerhound" - a breed greyhounds). Until the end of 1942, Ford has built more than 250 armored vehicles of the new model. In preparation for mass production for the needs of the UK project has undergone some changes. Instead of the original 90-horsepower armored Deerhound was the British motor Hercules JXD 110 hp Thanks to this new armored vehicles began to meet the standards of the British Army, as well as slightly improved their performance.
Six armored "Deerhound" from the first batch, the UK transferred almost immediately went to North Africa. The very first experience with the new technology in a real war, British military disappoint. Heavy wheeled armored car could not effectively fight in African conditions, and the relatively high level of firepower and protection in a number of situations is not enough. For this reason, getting the first few series of armored cars, Britain refused further purchases.
According to reports, in the United States there are about 250 new armored vehicles destined for delivery abroad. Armored T17 / Deerhound is not fully suited the British and US military treated them with more skepticism. As a result of two and a half already built hundreds of cars lost their guns and were sent to serve in the military police. Later, some attempts "to revive" the project, but in February 1944 all the works were completely stopped.
The exact number of armored vehicles built T17 / Deerhound raises some questions. We know of the existence of about 250 cars that were built for the UK, but remained in the United States. However, in one of the Brazilian museums kept two armored cars of this type. The origin of this technology is not fully understood. Probably to Brazil she could serve American or British units. In addition, it is possible that T17 armored cars after World War II were not only in Brazil and the number of surviving this type of equipment may be greater than assumed.
Chevrolet T17E1
Simultaneously with Ford on his project prospective gun armored car company worked Chevrolet. According to some reports, the experts of the two companies have consulted with each other, so that their development had a number of common features. In particular, certain elements of the hull and turret had a similar structure.
Working under the designation Chevrolet T17E1 different from Ford T17 several important features. First of all, it is the design of chassis: the armored car from the "Chevrolet" was two-axle. Moreover, a reservation T17E1 had smaller thickness. It should be noted, such a difference in the design of almost no impact on the weight of the finished armored car. Four-T17E1 was only a ton lighter T17. At the same time, however, the creation of new versions of this machine is always accompanied by an increase in fighting weight.

T17E1 machine body armor consists of a relatively thin parts (compared to T17). The front part of the body had a thickness of 22 mm, depth - 19 mm. Top Crew and units protected 12.7 mm roof and bottom - the bottom thickness of 6.5 to 12.7 mm. The engine was covered with a sheet feed 9.5 mm. Double tower had a thickness of 45 mm in the forehead, sides and stern of 32 mm and 13 mm the roof. Using common developments for the creation of two armored vehicles has led to the fact that T17E1 had roughly the same size as the T17: length of about 5.5 m, width 2.8 m, height 2.36 m.
Armored T17E1 had the same layout as the T17. In front of the housing is the separation of management from the wheelhouse and the workplace of the driver and ball mount with a machine gun and the assistant driver's seat. In the middle part of the body was fighting compartment with a tower, and in the stern - the power plant. The housing was provided with two doors (for front wheels), there were still two hatches in the roof of the tower.

In the stern there were two armored car T17E1 gasoline engine Chevrolet / GMC 270 with a capacity of 97 hp The structure of the transmission introduced two four-speed transmission. Transmission units, distributes torque to the four wheels are located in the hull rear and under the floor of the fighting compartment. Chassis armored car 4x4 equipped with individual suspension with leaf springs and additional hydraulic shock absorbers. To simplify the driver's armored car equipped with electro-hydraulic power steering and brake servo.
Carrying out the order military engineers of the company have equipped the new Chevrolet armored gun and machine gun armament. The rotary turret mounted twin unit with a gun caliber 37 mm M6 and M1919 machine gun 7.62 mm. In addition, an armored car carrying two guns of this type: the exchange rate in the ball mount in the front hull and antiaircraft turret on the roof of the tower. Also on the roof of the tower housed two smoke grenade. On the shelves of the crew compartment was able to accommodate 106 shells for the gun. The total ammunition consisted of three machine guns 5250 rounds of ammunition, smoke grenade - 14 grenades.

The crew consisted of four armored car T17E1 person: a driver, assistant driver (aka gunner), commander and gunner. All workplaces crew equipped with manholes or appliances. For example, the driver and the shooter could be used to review the hatches in the front hull or periscopes, allows you to watch over the situation with the hatches closed.
In the spring of 1942 the first prototype of an armored car T17E1 went to trial. Two 97-horsepower engine provided 12-ton car good running characteristics. The maximum speed on the road was 90 km / h. It was noted that the power steering noticeably simplified control of the car: on the highway, she behaved like a passenger car.
Shortly after the test was T17E1 armored army designation M6. However, the US Army had not started to use this type of technique. Like the development of the company Ford, the armored car from Chevrolet did not fully satisfy the requirements of the US Army. However, the machine T17E1 / M6 interested in the British military. In mid-1942 the armored car was adopted for the British Army called Staghound Mk I («Staghaund" - rock hounds). A contract was signed for the construction and delivery of 2844 cars in the base version. Under the contract, the British armored cars equipped with radios, as well as increased volume of fuel tanks.

The first armored Staghound Mk I were delivered to the customer in the spring of 1943. The first fights with the participation of new technology should take place in North Africa, but the armored cars did not have time to get to the front end of the battles. Therefore, his military career "Staghaundy" began in Italy. Armored vehicles like a new type of war, although the lack of fodder wheelhouse sometimes satisfactory. Some armored vehicles purchased in the United Kingdom has transferred parts of other states. With this machine Staghound Mk I were in India, New Zealand and Canadian parts involved in the fighting in Europe. Later this technique was transmitted by the Polish and Belgian military.
On the basis of the armored car Staghound Mk I created several types of equipment for other purposes. The simplest modifications appeared Staghound Command command vehicle and connected Staghound Rear Link. From the line of armored cars, they differ only in the presence of additional radio stations.
The commander and the connected machines based on "Staghaunda" British engineers have developed and produced to the UK. Nevertheless, the United States, signing a contract for the supply of armored vehicles did not stop its development. In the second half of 1943 there was an armored car T17E2, intended for the implementation of air defense units. From the base of the machine, he differed single cylindrical tower with no roof and sloping frontal sheet. The tower was a workplace setting and arrow with two heavy machine guns Browning M2HB. Originally, the tower and the installation of a machine-gun equipped with a hydraulic drive, but on serial technique later release to use electric motors. Ammunition for anti-aircraft guns consisted of six tapes of 435 cartridges each (in 1305 for ammunition to the gun). Armored anti-aircraft machine gun lost the course, which put in place a radio station. In addition, the crew was reduced to three. To carry out the work and the gunner to fire at air targets was commander of the machine.

Anti-aircraft armored vehicle T17E2 was adopted for the British Army called Staghound AA (Anti-Air). In total it was built around one thousand such cars. All units armed with armored cars linear "Staghaund" got its own equipment for protection against enemy aircraft. However, cases of mass use of armored Staghound AA remained unknown when such cars were at the front, the Allied forces already have a sufficient number of other anti-aircraft systems.

UK showed interest to prospective fire support vehicle on the basis of the wheel chassis T17E1. In this regard, the US engineers have created a new modification of the armored car called T17E3. Native tower armored cars replaced the unit to self-propelled M8. Thus, the armored vehicle could carry a 75 mm howitzer M2. It was built a prototype wheel SAU T17E3. The test results of this machine is not interested in the customer in the face of the British military. The works on this modification were discontinued.

Needing a car fire support, the British have independently developed a modification of American armored cars. Machine Staghound Mk II lost 37-mm cannon and coaxial machine gun, which is installed instead of the armored howitzer CS caliber 76 mm. To make room for ammunition armored car with machine-gun taken off the course, and from the crew removed the arrow-radio operator. Two smoke grenade on the tower replaced the four other types of mortars.

In 1944, British designers have created a new modification of the armored car "Staghaund" with cannon armament. Native tower armored car was replaced by the corresponding unit of the tank Crusader III. For the convenience of the crew in the right side of the tower has an additional door. Such an armored car carrying 75-mm cannon and 7.62 mm machine gun BESA. Exchange machine gun and gunner were absent. Through this upgrade armored car weight by up to 15 tons. Version with tank tower called Staghound Mk III.

Initially it was assumed that the troops will receive 100 machines Staghound Mk III, which will be converted from existing armored basic version. In December 1944, the order reduced by half. After the order again reduced, resulting in the spring of '45 was converted only 32 armored car. Cannon machines Staghound Mk III is limited to use in Europe. It is known that several armored cars of this model were transferred to Canada, Denmark and Lebanon.
Armored Staghound losses were relatively small, which is why after the end of World War II, British troops left more than three thousand of these machines several modifications. Active use of "Staghaundov" lasted until the mid-fifties when the old machinery has been gradually supplanted by modern armored vehicles. American-made armored cars went into storage. Much of the armored vehicles has been transferred to foreign countries.
The first foreign operator armored Staghound became Belgium, get this equipment at the end of the war, when as part of its armed forces was formed the first squadron of armored cars. In the second half of the forties Kingdom of Belgium has transferred a large number of "Staghaundov" several modifications. Machinery used three Cavalry Regiment. In the early fifties, these units were disbanded, which led to a redistribution of equipment. Almost all of the armored cars were handed over to the Gendarmerie, which is already used for a number of machines Staghound AA. Gendarmerie former British used armored vehicles until 1977.

Since the late forties armored Staghound acquired Netherlands. A little later, Denmark has bought the remaining nearly three dozen cannon trucks Staghound Mk III. In other European customers of this technique became Italy and Switzerland, in time to change the composition of its armored weapons. For example, a number of armored vehicles, had served in the Italian gendarmerie, instead of cannon and coaxial machine gun got two machine guns Breda mod.38, and instead of guns course - Fiat mod.35.
The remaining US-made armored cars were sold to various countries in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. In addition, "Staghaundy" used by India and Australia. A total of armored Staghound different versions have served in the armies and law enforcement agencies of 25 countries. Some of these countries have exploited the technique in its original form, others - replaced the weapons and equipment. For example, in the fifties and sixties, Lebanon and Sudan equipped former British armored turrets of machines AEC Mk III with 75-mm guns of different models. Several machines of different functions (command vehicle, a minesweeper and armored carrier rockets) has developed Canada.

Currently, the museums and private collections to store some number of preserved armored T17 and T17E1 different modifications. Despite the similar name, these machines have a different fate. The first of them was released a relatively small series, after which the absence of the buyer it is not sent armored units, and the "out of sight" to the military police. The second was built in the amount of several million units and became the basis for a number of modifications for various purposes. However, both development by Ford and Chevrolet are of great interest both from a historical and from a technical point of view.
When you see armored vehicles be sure to see police men guarding it.